Throne Speech day
always feels a bit like the first day of camp or school for me. While MLAs return from every part of the
province to do the business of government, I know that God has His own business
that He wants to accomplish in their lives.
While the business of government may change laws, tax rates, speed
limits and a hundred other things, the business that God has in His heart will
change the lives of leaders and as a result impact the lives of 4.3 million
British Columbians over the course of time.
I am filled with
anticipation about what God will do in the lives of BC MLAs in the next 3 months. I expect that He will open doors of ministry
into previously closed lives. I expect
that there will be opportunities to sow seed in the lives of some and to bring
the warmth of God’s love and grace into others.
Most of all, I anticipate that there will be opportunities to see lives
impacted in powerful and profound ways by God’s grace and mercy.
I meet with a group
of MLAs who pray together on a weekly basis.
One of them almost always prays and asks God for a revival among his
peers and colleagues. His request has
stretched my faith in days gone by, but I am anticipating that I will see God
begin to answer what has become our request over the next weeks and months.
As we begin this
session, would you pray for us? We need
wisdom, grace, strategies, sensitivity, boldness and discernment as we engage
with the leaders of our province and nation.
Thanks for remembering Leading Influence!