I don't think I'm alone in saying that I'm not much of a fan of uncertainty. I prefer a firm plan, a clear decision, and a straightforward path. The more I learn about who God is and how He works, I'm starting to see that He has little concern for my preferences and that His chosen path is rarely anything but clear and straight forward. The more I get to know Him, the more I see that God's favorite working environment just might be the one where things are murky and unsettled.
The first place we see Him at work is in Genesis 1:2 where ‘The earth was an empty waste and darkness was over the deep waters.’ It's also the first time we hear him utter those powerful words, 'Let there be Light', order takes shape out of the chaos and God sees and says that it is good. (Every time I read Genesis 1, I wonder what it would have been like to see it happen ‘live’.)
While the election results aren't quite in Genesis 1 territory, we are in the midst of an uncertain moment, (BC’s first minority since 1952). This I know to be true, God knows what he's doing!
Daniel spent his life with politicians and kings, said it this way: God takes Kings away and puts others in power according to His purposes. (2:21 NLV) I am certain that God is in control and that this outcome is in keeping with His plans.
For the past 3 provincial election campaigns, we led a daily prayer initiative where we asked God to give us men and women through whom He can work to accomplish His plans and purposes for our province. Over the course of this campaign, we had more people praying with us than ever before. I can only believe that God knew what the outcome would be and that He planned it this way.
Our prayer at Leading Influence is that God will give those who lead and serve wisdom, strength and courage to lead our province forward and into a place of prosperity and blessing. We encourage you to pray along with us to that end!
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