Friday, November 17, 2006

Midlife Moments

As hard as it is for me to believe, I arrived at age 44 today. There's great excitement in our house over this auspicious event, but I'm content to pretend it isn't happening. Here are some "mid-40" thoughts....

1. I used to think people who were 44 were old and should be called "Mister".

2. When my father was 44, I was in my 3rd year of college. My oldest is 13 and in gr. 8.

3. I tried on my birthday gift today and it was "snugger" than I would prefer. Barb said, "it's just a smaller cut honey..." I think it's just a sign of the times!

4. If you keep swimming when you jump off the bridge, you don't drown! Between God's faithfulness and your willingness, bobbing to the top is easier than you might think.

5. Listening is more comfortable than it used to be. I've actually had people on the phone ask me if I'm still there...

6. Respect comes easier if you keep your head down and your mouth shut...

7. Living "Like you were dying" is more fun than "living as though you were dead."

8. Friends matter more because of what you've been through together.

9. I am more in love with Barb than ever before. I am SO BLESSED!

10. I am not perfect! It's been a shock to come to this revelation, but true nonetheless.

11. Brittany can be right and I can be wrong.... (That hurts to admit, but it periodically happens!)

12. God is ALWAYS faithful!! This has been a stretching and challenging year, but one that I will hold as a trophy of God's grace and goodness to me!


Lucas said...

happy birthday, mister!

it's definitely a sign of the times that "at your age" your eldest child is so young. it's not even that odd for people to have their eldest child in kindergarten at 44 these days.
the times they are a-changein'!

Anonymous said...

happy Birthday Mr!

44 isn't that hold, as my mom turned 44 when my youngest brother turned 3.

I have been shaking my head in disbelief lately over the realization at how very short life is. It is funny how when I was in kindergarten, the average age in my hometown was about 20, Now over 20 years later I go back with the average age approaching 60, and everyone seems the same age as they did back then.

Janice said...

Happy Birthday young man. When I was 44 you were trying to reassure me that I was not to young to be a mother-in-law. Have a wonderful weekend and many blessings on the adventures to come.

Tim Schindel said...

Thanks for your good wishes. This has been a memorable birthday for so many reasons. Sonya, I will remember the fossil remark...

Jan - can it really be that you needed reassurance, everything I see says you'll be a great grandmother. If my math is correct, you'll be celebrating your own significant milestone shortly...

Lucas - I read your blog - thanks for your kind words!

Junah - life is short!! Your "little ones" will be in high school before you know it!

D said...

Happy Birthday (okay I'll say it), Mister!

Go eat some good cake.

Tim Schindel said...

Thank you Danica - I had two pieces yesterday (Don't tell Barb and YES I am going for walk to work it off!)

Tim Schindel said...

Sorry - did you say something?? My hearing is going...

Janice said...

My 50th came and went as an unevent, my father was dying. Losing a parent was another milestone. Yes, I love being Nana Jan!