Saturday, January 03, 2009

Launching 2009

Given that this is Jan 3, I'm way overdue on posting something here. Sorry for the delay, but I've been putting a ton of energy into our new website to go live on the 1st. With some great help, we got it published a few days early. Click here to take a look.

I've also made some changes to the PrayBC blog. For the most part we only used it during elections and to promote the Provincial Prayer event in June. What we've done is provide a daily MLA profile and written prayer to make it easier for people to participate as we seek to build our prayer network. We are getting some great feedback thus far which is really encouraging.

I'll be sending out our first email blast of 2009 on Monday so watch for that. If you're not on our list, just click the link on this page to be added.

Have a great Sunday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tim! 'cause I've been looking for the calendar and wondered what happened to it :)