Monday, April 30, 2007

Twas the Night Before the Breakfast

It's the night before the big day and we are in our hotel room winding down for the night. Barb is doing some reading while I finished off my talk for tomorrow. She hasn't turned a page in about 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure her eyes are closed. I'll ask her how the book was later...

I am nearly ready. There's nothing left to do now but have a good sleep so that we are well rested for an exciting day tomorrow. We are completely full and even have a waiting list which is kind of cool, except if you are on the list! The miracles that continue to happen here are amazing. We've gone to 11 MLA's for the morning which speaks of the favor that God has placed on us. We have been so blessed!

We had a great day today. Barb came with me to the Legislature for the first time. We were introduced to the house and made to "feel welcome". While we were there, we got a voicemail from our hotel saying that an anonymous person had paid for a second night for us so that we wouldn't have to move out in the morning. THANKS, WHOEVER YOU ARE!!

I spent the afternoon with a friend who is a real champion for the ministry. His church, Glad Tidings Church in Armstrong, BC is actually praying for 48 hours straight for our breakfast tomorrow. What an incredible bunch of people! We went to Question Period today. He'd never been there before so it's always very interesting (and sometimes entertaining) as it was today.

While we were doing that, Barb went shopping and got some new clothes for tomorrow. I'm getting kind of groggy now, so I'm heading off to bed. I'll tell you all about tomorrow, tomorrow!

Have a good one!


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Prayer Breakfast Update

What an amazing day as we watched our MLA response double from 5-10 in about an hour today. The breakfast is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM at the Union Club in Victoria.

This entire event has been an entire series of miracles as God has pushed open doors, made provision and expanded our territory. He is AWESOME!!

I'm thrilled to have an equal number of NDP and Liberal MLA's with us on that day as we need God's favor on both sides of the house. He has made a way and will continue to do so.

We need a few more things to happen so please pray with us that the KING OF KINGS will arrange the final details. Our primary concern right now is that we will have a pastor from each riding represented there that morning. This was one of our goals when we started this adventure and we are about 4 pastors short of achieving that goal. Finally, pray that the morning will be marked with God's presence and power. Unless the Lord builds this house, we labor in vain and unless HIS presence goes before us, we will only have a good event.

Thanks for believing in us and with us! What an amazing ride!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wool Socks and Sandals

I saw the most amazing thing the other day. A man was wearing wool socks and sandals. You have to wonder what goes on in the mind of a man who thinks that this is a fashion fit. Wool socks are for winter. Sandals are for summer. They should never be seen or worn together. Wool socks are itchy. Sandals are smooth. Think about this for a minute. If it's cold enough to wear wool socks, it's not warm enough to wear sandals. If it's a good day for sandals, it's a bad day for socks of any kind, especially wool ones!

Well, my rant is done. What fashion faux paux's have you seen lately?


Friday, April 20, 2007

Time Flies

Gasp... after nearly two weeks, I am back to my blog. Even my mom hinted that it was time for a new post so here goes...

Things have been a blur here as we get our house ready to sell. Things are starting to look pretty good with only a few jobs (some larger than others...) remaining to be done. Since I last wrote, we have installed new carpet which was very overdue but really makes the house look great, painted 3 bedrooms, a hallway, bathroom cabinets and touch ups on the kitchen ones as well. Barb is becoming chief painter and is doing an excellent job.

Oh yeah... we also re-arranged our house and what was our bedroom is now the office/studio and what was the boys room has become the master bedroom again. Changing carpet is as much work as moving as everything needs to be removed and then set up again.

In addition, the boys have started baseball which is taking another 8 hours plus/week. So... it's been busy but exciting as we get ready for our next steps.

Speaking of next steps, here's what's happening...

1. Our MLA Prayer Breakfast is happening fast. We continue to receive positive responses and I'm excited about that. I would love to have every MLA there, but I'm not about to despise small beginnings either. I really applaud my board and others who believed in this when it was just a dream. We are still a long ways from being where we want it to be, but we are on our way. Blessed are the believers!

2. Our house will go on the market in the next few weeks. I think we'll have some "out of province" painters come in to help us finish a few jobs, but we are well on our way. It's funny how you live with all the things you don't like and then change them when it's time to sell.

3. I'll be in Victoria for a few days at the end of the month for some speaking engagements, our pastors conference and the MLA breakfast. It will be a busy week for sure.

This is a high pressure period of our lives and we really need our friends and partners to be praying for us as we move forward. There are a lot of big decisions to be made and making the right choices, steps and decisions is more important than ever. Please pray for us as we move forward.


Monday, April 09, 2007


We spent Easter in Victoria and visited our former church. (that will also be our home church after we move there this summer.) It was fantastic to see many old friends and some new ones over the weekend. One of the purposes for our trip was to go house-hunting and once again real estate prices in Victoria loom as a large mountain for me. (I'd say us, but Barb has handled this much better than I have...)

The temptation for me is to give into the questions of "how can we make this work?", which lead to anxiety, which leads to stress, which leads to fear and ranting. (Sometimes ranting and fear, but you get the general idea.) All of this in spite of the promises that we have been given and the many confirmations of God's hand in and on this ministry. A friend shared this with me a few years ago, but it bears repeating, if for no other reason than I need to hear it, speak it and process it again. My friend's advice came in the form of a definition for fear. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Now I have to confess that I've preached that before, used it before and thought I understood it, but the reality is that I have never stared at a mountain that has been quite this big and intimidating before. This is no longer something far off in the distance. This is only months away and requires a miracle. And so I am faced with a choice. I can either go back to living small, believing small and receiving small, or I can put it all on the line and go for it because there's nothing as exhilarating as walking on water.

Here's what I know to be true:
1. He will provide a home for us.
2. He will provide resources for us.
3. He is NOT STRESSED about any of this and already has the key to our house in His hand.

Therefore - though Real Estate prices in Victoria may soar and spike, I will not fear for the Lord my God is my SHELTER and PROVIDER. THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL BE MOVED BY FAITH THE SIZE OF A MUSTARD SEED.

There - I feel better!! Hope this encourages you too.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Look Twice - Push Once

I bought a shirt at the mall yesterday and decided to change in the public washroom. I was running a bit late so I went into the first cubicle I found and proceeded to change my shirt. While I was there, I thought it would be a good use of my time to use the facilities. As I was doing that, I noticed a small box attached the side wall of the cubicle. I thought it was strange that such a box would be in a men's bathroom. As soon as that thought went through my mind, I realized that I didn't notice any urinals on the way INTO the bathroom. I was pretty certain no one was in the room at that point so I stood on my toes and peeked over the door. Sure enough... all I saw was stalls...

I have not been in this situation before, so it was important to create a workable exit strategy that would allow me to leave the washroom without encountering anyone on the way out. I decided that the best option was simply to make it look like I knew what I was doing and hope like crazy that I didn't meet anyone coming in while I was going out.

In cases like this, timing is everything. The challenge is to time your exit in such a way
that you don't bump into someone at the door. (The less explaining required the better...) I gathered my things, mustered my courage and opened the door. I quick marched across the bathroom and reached the door before anyone came in . (So far, so good I thought...) When I stepped out into the mall hallway, I took a hard right and kept my eyes glued to the floor for the first 20 feet. Thinking the coast was clear, I took a look around me, only to see a very confused senior lady looking at me and wondering which door she should go into. Yikes..

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember hearing that that if you are well dressed and look like you know what you're doing, most people will simply leave you alone and let you be on your way, so I squared my shoulders, held my head high and looked straight ahead. I was sweating when I got outside, but the wonders of a black shirt are that no one can see... (at least until later...) Lucky for me!

There's probably a great lesson in here if you want to dig around, but I think the best of all might be this:

"When in a strange place, look twice and open once before you choose a public washroom!"

Monday, April 02, 2007

MLA Prayer Breakfast - UPDATE

What began as an "I wonder if we could ..." idea is quickly becoming reality. Our denominational minister's conference happens during the first week of May in Victoria this year. It's rare that the conference takes place in Victoria at the same time that the house is in session and so we have the unique opportunity to host a prayer breakfast for the MLA's this year. After a few phone calls and emails, we've been able to put an event together for May 1st at the Union Club in Victoria. (You really need to visit their website to see what a great venue the Lord has provided for us.)

This is an exciting opportunity to accomplish several objectives:

1) First of all, we will be able to make a huge statement of how much we value our MLA's by hosting them for breakfast at a very prestigious private club in downtown Victoria.

2) Secondly, we will have the opportunity to connect pastors from local communities across the province with their MLA's in a non-threatening environment.

3) Most importantly we will have the opportunity to pray for those who govern over us and to bless them as they serve our province in a key leadership role.

I'd like to personally invite you to participate in this very exciting opportunity in any (or all ) of the following ways.

1. Pray for open doors and schedules with every MLA. We see this as a divine opportunity, but we know that our enemy does not want this to happen. Pray that schedules will remain open for that morning and that there will be a genuine receptivity to this invitation.

2. Pray for the event itself. We will have 75 minutes to build bridges, make connections and touch lives. We know that nothing is impossible and that God is obviously in this, but we don't want to presume anything about this day and so humbly ask that you would pray with us towards a successful event, marked by the presence of God in every way.

3. We are looking for financial partners for this event. If you are interested in sharing in this exciting opportunity, please consider sowing into this miracle. You can help us financially by clicking here and following the instructions. Thanks for making a difference.

We are off to Victoria tomorrow for some house-hunting, visiting and meetings. Have a wonderful Easter!!